I went to a book club
meeting the other night and was asked a fun question: “What is something we don’t know about you
from your books, bio or blog?”
This was a challenging
question to answer because I couldn’t readily remember all of the things I had
posted on my blog, nor exactly how my bio read.
My answer was this: I am a Trekkie.

After I admitted to
being a closet Trekkie, one book club member asked: “Can you speak like a Trekkie?”
I wasn’t sure what this
meant. I mean, there are a plethora of
different life forms with their own languages.
I don’t speak Klingon, but I do have some of Picard’s vernacular. For example, if you were going to ask if you
should buy my books, I could respond
by saying, “Make it so.” If you asked if
you should set a course toward buying my
books, I could say, “Engage.”
That was an easy
one: Troy, because I would love to be able
to sense what people were thinking and feeling.
I could have a lot of fun being part Betazoid. J
So, there you have it…one
of my deep, dark secrets.
The book club
found it interesting that I loved Star Trek and didn’t write Sci-Fi
novels. I suppose it might seem strange,
as many novelists write in the same genre as that which they enjoy reading/watching. Maybe I will attempt a sci-fi suspense one day.
Until then, live long and prosper. ~
I had most of those toys growing up :^) Fun times!