Have you ever been taken for a ride? I mean, totally scammed? I have and it makes me wonder how people get
away with it, both internally and externally.
If you lie, cheat and steal for a living, how do you sleep at
night? Aren’t you always looking over
your shoulder, wondering if you’re about to be busted? I would be… I would be in a constant state of
fear…and what kind of life is that?!?
When you’re the one that falls for the scam it makes you
feel stupid, like a big doofus.
Hindsight is always twenty/twenty and how easily you look back and see
all the red signs piled up. They were there
the whole time, but you couldn’t see them.
You weren’t looking. You were
It reminds me of some of the shady characters in my mafia series, Just Call Me Angel. They live moment-to-moment, always looking over their shoulder, never at peace.
I've decided that scammers are the equivalent of a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. What seems exciting at first becomes
crushingly empty afterwards. ~
Do you think that as writers, we have the empathy required to make us excellent marks? My former agent, a sociopath no doubt, scammed me out of time, hope, and enough money to lower my standard of living. My biggest complaint is that she wasted my time and negatively changed my perspective on people. Misanthropes, unite! "No, I don't hate people, but I feel better when they're not around." Thank you Charles Bukowski for that perfect line. After I got angry and a day job, I was able to pull my life back together. The best revenge is that my former agent is now a character in my first mystery novel. "Be careful or you might end up in my novel." I can't wait until she reads it when it is a bestseller (and sorely missing that 10 percent). I'm new to your blog and I like your spirit and perspective. I'm going to check out your books, too.